Topline and IntelSource Training
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TopLine Training™ and tools

TopLine Training™ is the suite of tools that Bennion Group provides to companies that seek a competitive edge in their battle to win and hold market share within highly competitive environments. TopLine Training™ helps you develop both the personal skills and the corporate capabilities you need to to understand, predict, and ethically influence the behavior of people and other organizations.

Popular Training Courses

We have a comprehensive catalog of courses that help build individual and team skills that will help you grow. Pick a category below to see what classes it contains.

Winning Market Influence

Customer and Competitive Intelligence

Strategy Execution

Product Development and Go-to-Market Strategy

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Learn about the tools you need to influence decisions and move your team to action, whether in a small social circle, or amongst corporate executives.
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These methods have allowed Bennion Group associates assist our clients in understanding their competitive environment and in helping them better serve their own customers.
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Creating a strategy without having company support and buy-in can cause hours of frustration and stress. We will teach you about the processes that help you quickly and fully execute your strategy to the end.
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Many companies are unsure about the most efficient ways of creating and marketing successful products. We will walk you through a valuable process and show you how to make it work.